130 eCommerce Terms Everyone Should Know in 2024

1. 301 Redirect

This is a permanent redirection from one URL to another that automatically sends site visitors and search engines to the new URL rather than the one they entered in. When the URL of a website is changed for any reason.

301 Redirect is a critical practise to retain the domain authority and search rankings. The 301 status code denotes that the page has been relocated permanently to a new location.

2. Abandonment

In eCommerce, this word refers to a visitor who has visited a website but has not taken the necessary action. It's when a customer adds products to his shopping cart but then leaves without purchasing them for whatever reason.

Cart abandonment is another term for it. There are numerous other sorts of abandonment, such as booking abandonment and shipment abandonment,cart abandonment but shopping is the most common in the computer sector.

3. A/B Testing or Split Testing

A/B Testing is a method used by website development companies to compare two web pages to determine which one performs better. There are two variants of the web page which are shown randomly to the prospect and the page which provides a is opted. Thus this mechanism helps to figure out the best online promotional and marketing strategies for online business.

A/B Testing is also called as Split Testings and can be used on popups and emails too.

Example – Humana’s banner testing example clearly reveals the effectiveness of A/B testing in increasing the clickthroughs

A/B Testing or Split Testing

The above image shows two banners displayed on Humana’s homepage which underwent A/B testing. The 1st banner looked cluttered with ample of copy & paragraphs and less noticeable CTA button. Whereas the 2nd banner had a clear indication of the purpose with a strong CTA to support it.

The result of the testing showed 433% increase in clickthroughs for 2nd banner variation that had clean design and up to the point copy. After making a little more variations in the microcopy on the CTA button, it helped them achieve an increase in the clicks byfurther 192% .

4. Address Verification Service (AVS)

A process that every credit card company implements in their system which allows them to verify whether the billing address of the credit card provided by the user matches the address provided on the credit card statement.

It can be matched to the address which the credit card company has in their record or on the credit card statement.

5. Affiliate

An affiliate partnership is a form of business arrangement in which one company sells products from other companies on its own website. An affiliate is a commercial partner of the merchant who uses various visual techniques to advertise the merchant's products and services on his website.

In exchange, the merchant pays an affiliate commission if a visitor visits his website and purchases the merchant's products. The degree of ownership a parent firm has in another company determines the status of an affiliate.

6. Affiliate Marketing

This is a type of marketing arrangement in which a company >pays a commission to one or more affiliates for each conversion that results from the affiliate's marketing efforts. Simply said, when a buyer visits your online store and purchases something, the external website receives a commission for sending traffic to your store. A type of performance-based marketing is affiliate marketing.

7. Application Programming Interface (API)

An API is a set of protocols, specifications, or instructions that enable two software programmes to communicate and share data. It's a programming language that's used to create software applications that operate as a bridge between other software packages and allow interaction.

It assists developers in performing operations by allowing them to use standard commands rather than writing code from scratch. APIs are also used to create (GUI) components.

8. Authorization

This is the procedure for allowing someone permission to give orders, make choices, or take action.

for example- the system administrator has the ability to set roles for individual users, granting them access to the system as well as privileges for the usage of specific file directories or system data. Giving users the authority to do an action is referred to as delegation.

As a result, authorisation is defined as both the setting up of permissions by a system administrator and the actual validation of the permission values when a user is granted access.

9. Average Time on Site

The amount of time a visitor spends on the webpage they visited while browsing is referred to as average time on site in web analytics reports. This is the time in minutes or seconds, and it can be misleading in the analytics report because it does not account for the visitor's actual reading time on the page.

The visitor's precise time on the webpage cannot be calculated because they may be interacting with the pages and site content, or they may have left the browser window open and not been seeing the webpage.

example-if a long blog post's average time on site is 10 seconds, it's considered that

10. B2B (Business to Business)

In eCommerce, B2B is referred to as exchange of products and services between two businesses. It is a situation where one business commercially transacts with the other business. It could be a manufacturer with wholesaler, or a wholesaler with a retailer.

B2B decision making may take place at more than one level. For instance, when a salesperson meets with the departmental manager to bring about sale, the departmental manager has to get approval from the business owner before the proposed sale is closed.

11. B2C (Business to Consumer)

Business to Consumer (B2C) refers to a business or transaction that is conducted directly between a corporation and the end-users of its products or services, as opposed to B2B.

B2C websites are those that sell consumer goods.

A mother, for example, is looking for instructional toys. She discovers the website, reads the product reviews, and purchases the toy. As a result, this business model refers to the company as a website, the customer as the mother, and the product as a toy. Some of the best B2C examples include Amazon, Flipkart, eBay and others.

During the late 1990s dotcom boom, the phrase B2C became extremely popular. Businesses were referred to as internet merchants, or enterprises that offered pre-owned items, at the time.

12. Blog

A blog is a casual conversational style of information or debate that is updated on a regular basis on a website or webpage and is maintained by an individual or a small group.

The term "blog" was created by combining the words "web" and "log" Individuals or small groups focus on specific themes and write informal diary-style text entries to detail the issue.

Blogs frequently include graphics and links to other websites, as well as discussion forums. Some people use them as a place to record their own journeys or diaries.

13. Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who navigate away from the website without visiting additional pages is known as the bounce rate. This phrase is used specifically in web traffic analysis to gauge a website's success in enticing users to continue their trip on the site.

Take a look at how Google Analytics calculates Bounce Rate as an example.

Bounce Rate

This shows that Bounce Rate is calculated specifically upon session triggers. A bounce is called a single-page session which implies that only a single request has been sent to the Analytics server. This is because a user opens one page on the site and exits without triggering any other request to the server in the same session.

Bounce Rate as per Google Analytics is calculated as a percentage of all sessions in which users visited only a single page without sending any other request to the . Length of such single-page sessions is for 0 seconds duration as the Analytics is unable to track the session as no other hits are made after the first one.

14. Bottom of the Funnel

The Transaction or Purchase step of the online purchasing process is referred to as the Bottom of the Funnel. The visitor has completed all of his or her research and is going to make a purchase, resulting in the visitor becoming a "New Customer."

The 'Top of the Funnel' (product/service comparison stage) and the 'Middle of the Funnel' (confirmation stage) come before the 'Bottom of the Funnel.

15. Brick-and-click Store

This will be your new identity as you move away from traditional retail. Any firm with at least one physical presence and an eCommerce-enabled website is considered a brick-and-click store. This is a step above from the traditional brick-and-mortar store.

As a company, you should consider thismodel since it provides the ideal customer experience, allowing customers to enjoy the ease of purchasing online while also having the security and human touch of visiting a store. In both the physical and virtual worlds, you can benefit from having your customer's attention.

16. Bundling

It's a marketing approach in which a number of related products or services are bundled together and sold as a single solution. To entice more customers, businesses frequently provide these bundled products at a discounted price.

multiple products or services must be acquired from the same company, this concept has shown to be highly useful. These bundled items or services could include a variety of different products that appeal to a specific segment of clients.

17. Business Blogging

This is a powerful marketing and communications tool that can help your company gain more online awareness. Its major function is for public relations purposes, where you can publish about topics that are relevant to your company. HubSpot for example, is an inbound marketing platform, hence their blogs cover inbound marketing topics.

Writing a Business Blog, also known as a Corporate Blog, is what business blogging entails. These are mostly published in order to achieve the organization's objectives.

This marketing strategy aids firms in better communicating with all types of stakeholders, including consumers, suppliers, partners, and employees.

18. Buy-to-Detail Rate

It's a measure that lets you calculate the number of unique purchases based on the number of times a product's information page has been viewed. The Buy-to-Detail Rate might assist you figure out what products people are buying after looking at the product details. As a result, you can determine which products on your list generate the most sales and which ones do not.

Total Unique Purchases of a product / Product Detail Page Views = Buy-to-Detail Rates.

19. Buyers Persona

A Buyers Persona is a semi-fictional depiction of a potential consumer based on market research and genuine data from existing customers. It's critical to examine the customer's while creating a buyer persona.

A buyer's persona reveals information about the buyer's decisions, attitudes, worries, and criteria. It's a modelled representation based on studies of:

  1. Who are the buyers and what are their objectives?
  2. How do they think and what motivates them?
  3. What criteria do they use to make purchasing decisions?

20. Call-To-Action

These are words or phrases in a message or sales script that compel a viewer, reader, or listener to act right away. 'Buy Now,' 'Call Now,' 'Click Here,' and other similar CTAs are common in marketing and advertising. Such words elicit an immediate response or entice people to buy something. CTAs have shown to have a significant impact on conversion rates.

The usage of CTAs in various transitions can also be beneficial. For example, the slide-in CTA on the OfficeVibe website (seen below) creates a compelling feature with its copy and a big CTA button that compels you to click it.

There's an office vibe going on here. Every Store Owner S CTA-15 eCommerce Terms

21. Cart Abandonment Rate

This is a proportion of the overall number of shopping carts to the total number of completed transactions. It's the percentage of visitors that start a purchase by adding an item to their cart and then leave without completing the transaction.

This information can assist online store owners in keeping track of abandoned carts and determining if their firm is lucrative or not.

The figures of Cart Abandonment Rate over the previous few years are fascinating to see if there has been an increase or decrease in the abandonment rate.

The graph below shows the statistics from 2013 until the present.

Cart Abandonment Rate

22. Chargebacks

Chargeback is the reversal of funds to a consumer, which is designed to protect cardholders from fraud. When is this going to happen? When clients believe they have been sold a sub-par product, a fraudulent transaction, or any other legitimate issue about the goods.

As an online retailer, you may expect credit cards to account for a significant portion of your revenue. So you may take efforts to prevent chargebacks from being used against your organisation, because chargebacks are going to be a problem with your payment processing provider (whether you like it or not). The graph below shows the statistics from 2013 until the present.

23. Churn Rate

In a certain period of time, the percentage of consumers or subscribers who cut connections with the company or with the services is called t. So it's basically the money or clients lost by unsubscribing from services for a specified period of time (usually a month).

Attrition rate is another name for churn rate.

24. Closed-Loop Marketing

Closed loop marketing is an excellent strategy for firms to use for analytics and to gain greater insights into marketing efforts that result in a return on investment.

This strategy entails gathering client data from many channels, analysing it, and applying the results to develop relevant content for specific customer groups.

This information comes through marketing campaigns such as your website, content offers, blogs, SEO strategies, and emails, among others. It's a data-driven method that links the end outcomes of each campaign to the marketing initiative, allowing you to better understand how effective it is.

25. Cohort Analysis

It is a study of customer behaviour divided into groups of persons with similar characteristics. It entails looking at how a cohort's (group's) unique traits develop over time.

One of the most effective tools for marketers is cohort analysis, which allows them to examine long-term trends in client relationships. Essentially, it is the process of determining the relationship between a cohort's characteristics and their behaviour.

26. Comma Separated Values (CSV)

A CSV file, often known as a comma-separated file, is a tabular data file. They have a.csv extension and seem like a standard spreadsheet.

These files are essential for exporting or importing vast volumes of data, such as information about customers, items, inventories, and more in the case of your online business. The CSV file format is simple to export, import, and convert, and it may be used to coordinate amongst many departments within your company. Receiving data from your manufacturing unit to send to your company's financial department, for example.

27. Conversion

In simple terms, a conversion occurs when a website visitor becomes a customer after making a transaction. Conversion is the term used to describe the outcome of a response to a Call-To-Action.

When a visitor clicks on an ad and takes a desired action for the firm, this is known as a conversion. This entails persuading your visitors to do what you want them to do, such as purchase a product, subscribe to a newsletter, register for a webinar, or complete a lead/contact form.

As a result, conversions aid in determining the worth of your marketing approach to your company.

28. Conversion Funnel

This phrase is used in eCommerce to define a sequence of events that take place during a customer's online shopping journey. It's a journey from the moment you decide to buy anything to the point where you complete the transaction.

However, it is referred to as a funnel since the number of visits decreases at each level, culminating in a lower number of visitors at the last stage, when a purchase is made, than at the beginning of the purchasing process.

29. Conversion Path

Conversion Path is a method of transforming an anonymous website visitor into a recognised lead in a step-by-step process. The normal conversion path starts when a user lands on a landing page, navigates through a number of page transitions, and finally arrives at the final state, which is either a purchase or an abandoned session.

These are the steps taken by the user to attain his intended goal, which may begin with a compelling offer or CTA buttonss. As a result, it is a set of website-based events that a visitor may engage in that may result in a possible lead.

30. Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate is a percentage-based marketing concept. It's the percentage of visitors who convert into paying customers on a website, calculated by dividing the number of people who visited the site by the number of people who converted into paying customers.

In layman's terms, it's the proportion of visitors who complete a desired action. Only site usability, which includes straightforward navigation and fast loading pages, allows visitors to take the desired action.

Consider any eCommerce website that receives 100,000 visits per month on average. If 2,000 users purchased something from the site during that month, the conversion rate is 2,000/100,000 = 2%.

31. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

This is a method of improving a website's user experience in order to increase the likelihood of visitors completing their online objective. This entails making changes to the website's layout, content, and overall design in order to fulfil the goal of increasing conversion rates. The procedure necessitates a thorough knowledge of web design fundamentals, human psychology, and statistics.

Example - Here's a great example of eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization in action.Making changes to the product navigation, as indicated in the above graphic, resulted in a 34 percent increase in Add-To-Cart rate. The online retailer's major goal was to push as much traffic as possible from parent categories to subcategories.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Making changes to the product navigation, as indicated in the above graphic, resulted in a 34 percent increase in Add-To-Cart rate. The online retailer's major goal was to push as much traffic as possible from parent categories to subcategories.

They first looked into why visitors weren't interested in the top-of-the-page menu selections for both categories, as well as why visitors didn't like or click on the right-hand side section (Left side design of the above image).

They chose to alter the navigation mode from top to left side menu bar, as indicated on the right side of the above image, based on the results of the analysis. This appeared to be more organised and clean, giving more room for larger items.

They chose to alter the navigation mode from top to left side menu bar, as indicated on the right side of the above image, based on the results of the analysis. This appeared to be more organised and clean, giving more room for larger items.

32. CMS – Content Management System

CMS (Content Management System) is a back-end system for managing the content of a website's front-end. This software application allows you to use a single administrative tool to develop, modify, maintain, publish, and display material on the Internet.

As a result, administrators with no programming experience can easily develop and manage digital material using this method. It also comes with a web publishing tool that allows one or more users to easily post updates on the Internet.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Web Content Management are the two main applications of CMS (WCM).

WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Silverlight are just a few of the many CMS systems available on the market.

33. Content Optimization System (COS)

It's a comprehensive solution that combines website management and other aspects of digital marketing into a single platform. It gives you with a sales-ready website that is easy to maintain, has a responsive design, and has a customised look and feel.

As a result, it is a system that allows a content source to boost search results and rankings by employing a range of strategies.

34. Cookies

A cookie is a little piece of information created by a website and sent by a web server to a web browser. This data is stored on the client side, on the user's own computer, and is then used in the future.

Cookies are used to remember information about you and to keep track of your preferences when you visit a website.

35. Cross-Selling

This is the practise of selling clients who have previously made a purchase extra services or items. It entails persuading existing customers to purchase related or complementary products at the same time as the chosen things. This is a popular marketing strategy among online retailers.

Amazon's introduction of 'Customers who bought this item also bought...' is a classic example of cross-selling. In 2006, Amazon's sales increased by 35%, owing entirely to cross-selling. The concept behind showing similar products is to gain your trust by bringing others with similar tastes together.

This was done with such grace that it did not appear to be an Amazon recommendation.

36. Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is the technique of acquiring intellectual knowledge from a broad range of people outside of a company to achieve a business purpose. This entails gathering information, content, ideas, or opinions from a bigger group of people via the internet, social media, and smartphone apps.

example- traffic applications are designed in such a way that drivers are able to report accidents or traffic-related information in specific locations, allowing app users to get real-time data.

There are four brands that provide innovative Crowdsourcing initiatives, like Doritos – Crash the Super Bowl, Starbucks – White Cup Contest, Lay's – Do us a Flavor, and many others.

37. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is a practise that aids an organisation in managing and analysing customer contacts across the customer life cycle in order to improve customer relationships and achieve its business goals.

This system combines the back and front office systems to organise and track customer interactions, purchases, customer care, and technical assistance. It collects consumer information from a variety of sources, including the company's website, phone, live chat, direct mail, marketing materials, and social media.

As a result, CRM improves the consumer's overall experience by offering better customer service and products.

38. CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used to format the presentation of a web page or document written in markup language. CSS helps to provide uniformity across several pages of the website by defining text styles, table sizes, and other aspects of Web elements. Thus this gives web developers and users more control on the layout of web pages.

The term cascading derives from the fact that multiple style sheets can be applied to the same Web page. CSS was developed by the W3C

39. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

This metric forecasts the overall value (total net profit) an eCommerce company will generate over the course of a customer's lifetime relationship. CLV is also referred to as Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) or Lifetime Value (LTV).

Based on the expected monetary value generated from the customer's complete connection with your online store, online businesses can quantify thexLifetime Customer Value.

40. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

CAC refers to the cost of recruiting and persuading new consumers, and it is an important business indicator. This aids in determining how to devote resources while acquiring new clients.

It comprises costs associated with the product, as well as research, marketing, and incentives. This can be used to calculate the client's value to the company as well as the Return on Investment of obtaining the customer.

41. Click Through Rate

Click Through Rate is a ratio that shows the number of clicks on a specific link or ad to the total number of visitors browsing through that page or ad. CTR is measured for a webpage, advertisements or links in emails which helps to determine the success of online marketing campaign.

The CTR helps online retailers to understand the effectiveness of keywords and performance of the ads or email campaigns.

Example – Considering an advertisement on the webpage which was incorporated with an idea of boosting online sales. In order to measure the success rate of this ad campaign, it was important to understand the CTR of that ad.

This was done by calculating the number of clicks that this ad received divided by the number of times this ad was shown (Clicks/Impressions = CTR). So if there were 5 clicks on the ad and 1000 impressions, then CTR rate would be 0.5%.

42. Digital Commerce

Today's eCommerce systems incorporate an overarching infrastructure that integrates analytics from search engines, social platforms, mobile apps, and other areas of the internet and the business world. This is referred to as Digital Commerce.

Knowing the breadth of internet business allows you to better prepare for marketing your company, as well as acquire information about your consumers' purchasing habits and cater to them properly.

43. Discount Code

In eCommerce, a discount code is also called as a Coupon code or Promocode . These codes consist of letters and numbers which are computer-generated and used to activate discounts or special offers on the site.

These are available via email or advertisements and are to be entered in the respective promotional box on the website (shopping cart or checkout page) to avail the discount.

Example – A retailer might send promotional email to special customers offering them a 10% discount on using a discount code: WER56D while making a purchase on his site. So when the customer enters the code on the cart page before making the payment, he can avail a 10% discount on the whole order.

This in turn is a vital marketing strategy to attract more traffic on the site.

44. Discount Rate

The discount rate is a percentage rate that acquiring banks charge for processing merchant transactions. This fee is a small fraction of each purchase, and it is determined by a number of criteria, including the type of card used, how the credit card was processed and the order placed, and if CVM or AVS was utilised.

The discount rate is also the interest rate charged by the ,Federal Reserve Bank to depository institutions that borrow from the Fed's discount window.

45. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is an eCommerce model in which products are shipped straight from the manufacturer to the retailer or client. This form of retail fulfilment entails the delivery of items without the need to store or stock them.

Shop owners can arrange for transportation of their products in one of two ways:

1. There are merchants who have tie-ups with manufacturers and make arrangements with them so that they don't have to hold or own inventory. Instead, the merchant buys items from a third-party (manufacturer or wholesaler) as needed to meet order requirements. 2. There are merchants who form alliances with suppliers or manufacturers and benefit from the synergy.

Such a fulfillment strategy opted by shop owners saves them from tracking inventory and incur loss if the items did not make complete sale.

46. Domain Name

A domain name is a one-of-a-kind name that is part of a network address that identifies a company or other entity on the Internet. A domain name can be found in the address bar of a web browser while visiting a website.

Domain names are created using the Domain Name System's (DNS) regulations and procedures, which is a naming system that assigns addresses to web servers and online pages.

A domain name is any name that is registered in the DNS. For example, here are a few domains to consider:

  1. gov - Governmental organisations
  2. edu – Educational establishments
  3. Organizations (.org) (nonprofit)
  4. com - Commercial enterprise

As a result, a typical domain name for a commercial company, such as Amazon or Flipkart, will be

47. Ebay

It is a multi-national eCommerce corporation's online auction service that supports buying and selling activities. Consumers and businesses can buy and sell a wide range of goods and services using the company's electronic platform.

Sellers pay a charge for selling their products on eBay, as well as a portion of the sale of the item, with the choice to Buy or Auction the item. Payments are normally done on the site using PayPal or other payment methods, and the goods is then mailed to the buyer.

48. Ebook

An eBook, often known as an electronic book, is a digital version of a printed book that can be read on a computer or e-reader. It consists of understandable text and images that may be easily accessed on a computer device with a controlled viewing screen or on a specially developed handheld device.

By simply downloading a book over the Internet, an eBook provides quick access to it. An eBook can be published in a variety of file formats, including plain text, PDF, RTF, and image files.

49. Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar is a way to define and control the publication of content and to keep track of what to write and when to write it. This is mainly used by businesses, publications and bloggers that help them control publishing of content on different medium like newspaper, magazine, blogs etc

This publishing process helps anyone who publishes information to any platform like print, online, video, etc to keep content marketing organized and on schedule. Thus you can plan future issues and keep hold on prospective assignments.

50. Email

Email stands for 'electronic mail,' and it is a technique of sending digital communications to a specific person or group of people via digital devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones.

An email can contain text, files, photos, or other attachments that are transmitted via a communication network using a user-specific email address.

Ray Tomlinson sent the first email in 1971, and 1997 was the year when email became widely used. Typically, these communications are encoded in ASCII text.

51. Engagement Rate

Engagement Rate is a metric that is used to measure how much a visitor gets engaged to the given piece of content or ad. It shows a percentage of the people who came to the site, noticed the ad or content and could engage with it.

Factors that influence the engagement of the visitor to a specific piece of content are users’ comments, likes and their shares. This helps to gauge user’s interest and willingness to know more on the specific bit that is displayed.

Below example will help you understand how to calculate Engagement Rate for a Facebook post.

On a facebook post there are 3 main interactive elements namely reactions, comments and shares. Considering this, the formula derived to calculate the Engagement Rate of a facebook post is ‘The total number of Reactions, Comments and Shares for a particular period to the total reach derived for the posts for the same period multiplied by 100.

Engagement Rate

Let’s take some figures to understand this formula better. Refer the below image for the same

Grow Engagement Rate

52. Evergreen Content

Content that is evergreen is ageless, long-lasting, and relevant and helpful for months or years to come. It is currently a buzzword in content strategy and is referred to be SEO content that remains fresh for users.

This type of material is essential in today's world, especially if you want to rank higher on search engines and attract more visitors to your website. It has proven to be an important aspect in content producers' success.

How-to tutorials, personal anecdotes, pieces about company views that won't change, a list of resources, and so on are examples of evergreen content.

53. Event-Triggered Email

Event-triggered-email is an automated email message which is sent to the list of subscribers when a particular event occurs. The events are determined from the information the subscriber has entered while registering on the site. For instance, a special message or discount coupon is sent to a subscriber on their birthday or anniversary date which was provided by them at the time of registering.

Triggered based emails have proved to be advantageous in email marketing as it makes the customer feel valued and helps in retaining them.

54. Fulfillment

Fulfillment is also known as Order fulfilment in eCommerce language, and it refers to a series of procedures taken by a corporation to process an order from the point of sale to the delivery of goods with customer satisfaction.

It's critical to have a fulfilment and distribution strategy in place once your business has taken off and you're getting a lot of orders. Many SMEs and ecommerce enterprises outsource this operation to fulfilment agencies.

55. Google Analytics

It is a Google-provided free web analytic service that lets you to link your website to measure web traffic and provide statistics for SEO and marketing purposes. After acquiring Urchin November 2005, Google offered it as a freemium online analytic tool.

Google Analytics is the most popular web analytics service on the Internet because it delivers essential information into your website that can be utilised to uncover growth hacks.

56. Growth Hacking

It is a marketing idea that entails quick testing, as well as analytical thinking and the use of social data, in order to determine the most successful strategy to build a company and get visibility. Sean Ellis, a growth hacker and serial entrepreneur, originated the term.

It's a process in which hackers discover the proper trick to allow for rapid and cumulative growth. Growth hackers are marketers, developers, and product managers whose goal is to increase the number of users for a certain product by concentrating on growing and engaging a company's user base.

Facebook is the best illustration of this. They had created a cross-functional team in the early stages of the project.

57. Hashtag

It is a label or phrase preceded by a hash character (#) that is used in social networks and microblogging services to distinguish certain topic messages. Customers who utilise hashtags expose the message that has been attached to it.

As a result, a hashtag archive is compiled into a single stream under the same hashtag. For example, on Instagram, the hashtag #bluesky allows users to search through all of the pictures that have been tagged with that hashtag.

Hashtags are frequently used on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest . When you use hashtags in your posts and Tweets, you make it easier for people who are interested in your topic to find them.

58. HTML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a document description and formatting language used to construct World Wide Web pages. 'Hypertext' refers to the hyperlinks that may appear on an HTML page, while 'Markup language' refers to the tags that are used to define the page layout and elements.

As a result, it's a method of tagging text files in order to generate font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on Web pages.

This is a set of markup symbols or added into the file that instructs the web browser on how to display the words and images on the web page for the user. Anyone with access to the Internet can view the webpages generated as a result of this.

59. Inbound Link

An inbound link is a link that points to your website from a third-party website. It's also known as a xcodes in SEO jargon. Inbound links are important for SEO since Google and other search engines see them as a sign that the content on that page is valuable. As a result, the Page Rank on Google is determined, and the position of your website in the search engine is influenced.

As a result, inbound links are critical for reaching the bulk of online users, as Google accounts for roughly 80% of all internet searches.

60. Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a strategy that combines content marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization to attract qualified leads and establish trust and credibility for an online business.

It improves the customer experience by providing information to potential customers through company-sponsored newsletters, blogs, and social media posts.

To raise brand awareness, this strategy employs a variety of pull marketing tactics such as content marketing, SEO, events, and more. You can reach out to potential clients using blogs, search engines, and social media.

HubSpot is the best example of inbound marketing.

61. Infographics

Infographics, also known as Information Graphics, are graphical visual representations of information, data, or expertise that are designed to communicate material in an easy-to-understand style. These are commonly used because they can swiftly communicate messages or make enormous volumes of data easier to present.

Infographics are commonly found in public places such as traffic signs, subway maps, and weather charts to assist explain complicated information quickly and simply.

62. Intelligent Product Recommendation Systems

First, there was the all-knowing store owner who would know everything about the product they sold. Prices, quality, longevity. Now, there is an AI telling the customer what they might like, based on the their purchase patterns.

A product recommendation system comes later, as your online store goes large scale, so if that’s where your sights are set, it’s a term you must know. As the tech improves on this, you might want to keep abreast with the possibilities it offers.

63. Instagram

In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram, a free online photo sharing and social networking service. Instagram is a social networking platform that allows users to take, edit, and share photos and videos with others via the Instagram website and other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Foursquare, and Flickr.

Members of the Instagram programme can use hashtags to find photographs of friends or other users, as well as search for accounts they want to follow. Instagram is often used to improve the quality of your original images and make them appear more professional.

Instagram's Valencia filter, for example, brightens and improves the appearance of dreary photographs.

64. Inventory

The stock of commodities or items in your business is referred to as inventory. It refers to the amount of merchandise on hand at a retailer that has yet to be sold. It's critical to keep track of inventory levels to ensure that items that aren't in stock aren't marketed on the store's website. This allows you to keep track of shrinkage and order minimums.

Inventory can be divided into two categories: commodities consumed by the company for resale to end customers and raw materials utilised to make completed goods.

On a company's balance sheet, inventory is referred to as a current asset. Inventory is occasionally used as a kind of collateral to secure financial assistance.

Increase in inventory is a signal to the company that its selling point is not effective and anticipated increase in sale in future is not making its desired way. Therefore many companies give ample of time in calculating the optimal level of inventory that should exist at any given point of time.

On the other hand, declining inventories signal the company that there is more sales than estimated or the company has a backlog, is probably expecting lower sales or rather the company is experience a blockage in the supply chain.

65. JavaScript

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that is extensively used in web development to create interactive effects in web browsers. Netscape was the first to create it.

JavaScript is a scripting language that uses the client's web browser to process the source code rather than the web server. This means that a JavaScript function can run even after a webpage has been loaded and without contacting the server.

A the function, for example, may verify an online form before it is submitted to ensure that all of the required fields have been filled in.

66. Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

It is a value that helps organizations to evaluate the success of achieving the key business objectives. There are 2 types of KPIs, high-level KPIs that focuss on the overall performance of the enterprise and low-level KPIs that look at processes in departments such as sales, marketing or a call center.

It is actually a measurable value that demonstrates the success based on specific business goals and targets. The type of KPI that organizations select depends upon the industry and the part of the business you are looking to track.

67. Keyword

Keywords are words or phrases that are used to trigger search results or describe a content. There are 2 ways in which keywords are used on Web: 1) As search terms for search engines and 2) Words that identify the content of the website.

When a specific keyword is searched, the advertiser’s ad that uses that keyword automatically appears on top of the searched pages. One keyword represents a single search query, while keywords that uses two or more words are called keyword phrases.

These keywords are used as metadata to describe images, text documents, database records and web pages. For example, a photographer may tag his nature photos with words such as ‘nature’, ‘trees’, ‘flowers’ or ‘landscape’. Thus when he wants to locate the pictures of flowers, he will simply type in the keyword ‘flowers’.

68. Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a search engine optimization method that involves loading a large number of keywords onto a web page in order to artificially boost the page's ranking in search results and attract more traffic to the site.

Keyword stuffing is considered webspam or an unethical activity, and it can result in a website being blacklisted or penalised on major search engines, either temporarily or permanently.

Search engines are now well-equipped to deal with this type of antiquated SEO strategy. Google, for example, includes criteria that can check for keyword stuffing, which are hidden from the average page visitor.

69. Landing page

A landing page is the initial page of a website that visitors arrive at after clicking a link on the search engine results page. This page contains facts or information about the keywords sought and is sometimes referred to as a Deal Page because it is on this page that visitors decide whether or not to proceed.

A landing page is a standalone page that a visitor can get by clicking on pay-per-click ads, social networking links, or display banners, and which has been created with a xstandalone page.

It's also known as a 'Lead Capture Page' or a 'Destination Page,' and it appears after you click on a search result. There should be no g in the sentence.

70. Listing fee

It refers to the fee charged by online auction or trading services for listing their wares on the internet. The listing fee charged by such sites is based on the worth of the things being sold as well as their beginning price.

The listing cost, commonly known as the insertion fee, is non-refundable. If you want to take advantage of priority listing, the listing charge may increase.

71. Lead

It's a marketing term that refers to a potential customer or organisation who exhibits interest in a company's product or service. Advertising, trade exhibitions, direct mailings, and other marketing initiatives provide businesses with sales leads. You can also buy leads from a third-party provider.

It's a term used to describe a prospect who has progressed through the engagement stage and is ready to be pursued for conversion into a customer. They've already submitted their contact information and expressed an interest in completing a transaction at this point.

72. Lead Nurturing

This is the process of consistently connecting with and building relationships with qualified sales prospects who have yet to make a purchase decision. Leads are provided newsletters, articles, and promotional materials as part of this process in order to keep them interested and move them closer to a sale.

One prominent kind of lead nurturing is email marketing, which aims to offer prospects with the information and answers they require throughout their buying process.

According to Hubspot, just about 10% of incoming leads convert into quick purchases, while the other 90% are abandoned

73. LinkedIn

On May 5, 2003, LinkedIn, the largest professional networking and employment-oriented social networking site, was created. It allows you to interact with other professionals and discuss work-related information with other members.

LinkedIn, like Facebook and MySpace, allows you to construct a personalised profile that is more business-oriented than personal. Members of the LinkedIn network are referred to as 'Connections,' and membership is free.

LinkedIn is highly recommended for exchanging knowledge, ideas, and job prospects, and it can help people build their networks and get jobs in their field.

74. Lifecycle Stages

In eCommerce, lifecycle stages relate to the stages that a product goes through before it matures. It is a series of events that leads to the creation of a new product by progressing through the following five stages:

1) Development Phase
2) Market Introduction Phase
3) The Growth Stage
4) The Maturity Stage
5) Phase of Decline/Stability

The Lifestyle stages begin with market research and product creation, followed by the release of a product with extensivexproduct creation the demand cycle's upper boundaries and progressively dropping due to the introduction of newer items.

75. Logistics

Logistics means management of goods & services or resources between the xprogressively dropping and the point of consumption to meet the requirements of customers or corporations.

This is a part of supply chain management where resources like physical items such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids as well as abstract items such as time and information are managed.

The process involves planning, implementing and controlling the effective and efficient forward and reverse flow and storage of goods and services or related information.

76. Long Tail

It's a retail marketing term for selling a high number of things to a limited number of individuals rather than a small number of products to a large number of people. It's actually a shift from a hit-focused industry to a market with millions of niches.

Chris Anderson coined this business term in 2004, describing it as "pure niche marketing." The objective is to attract a large amount of traffic by increasing the number of products available.

Amazon is the best illustration of this strategy, where millions of things are offered with only a few hundred visitors each month, but with the goal of gradually growing into significant traffic flows.

77. Long-Tail Keyword

Long-Tail Keyword is a type of keyword phrase that is more specific and usually longer than more commonly searched keywords. These keywords consists of either three or some times five words in the phrase and are mostly used to target niche demographics than mass audiences.

Long tail keywords get less search traffic but will usually have a higher conversion value. These are more specific but often less competitive than generic keywords.

78. Marketing

The actions of a firm that include advertising, selling, and delivering products to clients are referred to as marketing. Companies use slogans, endorsements, and media exposure to target people in marketing, which is one of the most important aspects of business management.

It is a method of attracting, retaining, and satisfying customers by engaging with them, meeting their needs, and exchanging valuable offerings. This is accomplished through the application of a strategy that includes sales strategies, corporate communication, and ,b>development.

79. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is the use of software to automate marketing activities in order to effectively advertise goods and services across many internet channels while also automating tedious tasks.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) procedures like as customer segmentation, customer data integration, and campaign management can all be done more efficiently with marketing automation.

This technology enables businesses to manage marketing duties and workflows by streamlining and automating them. This aids them in increasing operational efficiency and achieving their ultimate goal of accelerating revenue growth.

80. mCommerce

The use of wireless handheld devices for buying and selling goods and services online is referred to as mCommerce, sometimes known as mobile commerce. Mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, and personal digital assistants are examples of wireless electronic gadgets (PDAs).

Kevin Duffey originated the term "mobile commerce" in 1997 during the inauguration of the Global Mobile Commerce Forum, when he spoke about delivering eCommerce capabilities to the consumer's hand using wireless technology.

'A retail outlet in a customer's pocket,' it simply means.

81. Merchant Account

A merchant account is a type of business bank account that allows companies to accept and process debit and credit card payments. As a result, a merchant account is a contract between a store, the merchant bank, and the payment processor to settle debit or credit card transactions.

Merchant accounts are required for online businesses, which means that if you want to run an eCommerce firm that accepts credit cards, you'll need at least one internet merchant account.

The money from the purchased goods is first put in the merchant account, and then transferred to the business bank account. This transfer occurs on a daily or weekly basis.

82. Microsite

A microsite is a web page or a tiny group of pages that serves as an addition to the main website. It's a dedicated content site that lives outside of the company's main website and has a different URL than the homepage.

Microsites, also known as Minisites, are small websites that are used for branding or promotion. Some companies, for example, use them to promote a certain campaign or target specific consumer profiles, while others use them to tell a short tale or inspire a specific call-to-action.

Such websites typically feature call-to-action buttons like Tweet and Follow Us, but no navigation bar or links to other websites. Microsites are small websites that serve a specific purpose.

83. Middle of the Funnel

It's a stage in which marketers create and distribute content that's tailored to a buyer's demands in order to keep them engaged with your company. Before you can attain your company goal, you must go through three phases:

1) Marketing the relevant products or features.
2) Measuring the prospect’s willingness to buy.
3) Heading the right prospects closer to purchase.

This is also known as a Buying Funnel or a Sales Funnel. Email marketing, marketing automation, and webinars are examples of mid-funnel approaches.

84. Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing, also known as wireless marketing, is a type of marketing that employs modern mobile technology to offer tailored goods or services to customers via mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PDAs.

Customers can get time and location sensitive information as well as information that is tailored thanks to the advantages of this mobile technology. It's a multi-channel internet marketing method that uses websites, emails, SMS, social media, and mobile apps to target a specific audience on their smartphones or tablets.

85. Mobile Optimization

It's a method of ensuring that visitors who use mobile devices to access your website have a fantastic user experience, both practically and visually. This is accomplished by optimising the content of the website so that users can complete their tasks on their mobile devices.

Mobile optimization include reformatting the website to include larger navigation buttons, purpose-rich material, and optimised images that are compatible with all mobile devices. This keeps larger mobile audiences interested while making important purchasing decisions.

86. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

This is what is known as Predictable Revenue! MRR – Monthly Recurring Revenue – is a recurring revenue/income that a business is liable to collect every month on a continuous basis.

This is a side effect of a subscription business, which means that invoicing is done on a monthly basis. To figure out your MRR, simply multiply the total number of paying customers by the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU).

87. Native Advertising

Native advertising is a sort of internet advertising in which online content is developed for the purpose of promoting a brand on a media site for a fee, but it closely resembles the editorial content of the publication. Traditional commercial forms such as banner advertising are not used, rather editorial content such as blogs and infographics are included.

Despite the fact that native marketing is more informational, it is nevertheless thought to be beneficial to the advertiser's brand. The following are the two main objectives of this concept:

1) Creating a brand image in the minds of consumers
2) Persuading customers to do a specific activity.

The image below shows a native search engine ad that is made to seem just like an organic search engine result:

Native Advertising

88. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that assesses a customer's willingness toxwillingnessa company's products or services to others. Customer loyalty to a company's brand, products, or services is determined by this.

In 2003, management consultant Fred Reichheld of Bain & Company collaborated with Satmetrix to develop this metric with the goal of determining thee customer satisfaction scor.

The Net Protector Score is determined by the company's client base, which can be divided into promoters, passives, and detractors. 'Would you like to tell your friends or colleagues about your experience doing business with the company?' can assist in determining the eagerness

89. News Feed

News Feed, also known as Web Feed, is a service that provides consumers with frequent data transmissions consisting of news updates. Subscribers receive them in XML format as summaries or links to updates on folks on your friend's list, as well as the occasional advertising.

A News Feed is a list of changes on your Facebook home page on the social networking site Facebook. There are several news feed formats available, including RSS and its various variations, as well as ATOM.

90. No-Follow Link

No-Follow link attribute is an element that instructs the search engines bots not to follow the link. This means its a notification to search engines saying ‘Do not count this link’ so that they will not crawl the link and pass any link juice to it.

When No-Follow link is used there is no boost in the Page Rank and does not help page’s placement in the SERPs.

A no follow link is created with the no follow link HTML tag, which looks like this:

91. On-Page Optimization

On-Page Optimization refers to all the measures taken within the website in order to improve the web page listing or position in search rankings. It is one of the very first step of SEO that can help you increase your overall CTR (Click-Through-Rate) ratio.

On-Page Optimization includes optimizing the web content, improving the meta description and title tags as well as HTML code and keyword placement. This not only helps getting good page ranking on search engines but also increases overall readability of the site.

There 5 key elements of a successful On-Page Optimization is displayed in the image below.

On-Page Optimization

92. Off-Page Optimization

Off-Page Optimization refers to all the measures taken external to the actual website in order to improve its position in search rankings. Off-Page Optimization is a long-term process and includes acquiring many high-quality backlinks (incoming links) to your page from the authority sites.

This usually does the background work for better search results and builds your online reputation. This technique involves not only getting back-links from other sites but also includes other practices like social networking, social bookmarking, blogs, videos etc.

Typically, off page optimization includes:

1) Creation of links on third-party websites
2) Placement of keywords/website name/webpage in anchor text of links created
3) Generation of links on authoritative websites
4) Creation of links on social media networks
5) Submission of website to search engines and web directories

93. Omni-channel Management

While certain aspects of marketing techniques haven't changed as we've moved into the digital age, one has. It's your store's presence across multiple platforms, some of which may or may not have the same clientele.

Giving the user a seamless buying experience is what omni-channel management entails. You know how Amazon syncs your wishlist or shopping cart from one device to another? The next phase in eCommerce marketing and targeting is omni-channel. It entails ensuring that the customer's purchasing experience is consistent whether they visit your store in person or online, via a mobile app or a website. How can this be ensured? That's what you'll have to figure out.

94. Open Rate

The Open Rate is a percentage that represents how many people on your email list opened a specific email campaign. The number of email messages opened divided by the total number of email messages sent yields this proportion.

Open Rate

[Glossary] 90 eCommerce Terms Every Store Owner Should Know This means that if the open rate is 20%, it means that out of 100 emails sent to recipients, 20 were opened (or viewed). Email open rates across most industries, according to Mailchimp benchmark reports, range from 15% to 30%.

95. Order Fulfillment

It's a procedure that every company goes through when it comes to providing items to customers. The processes involved in this process from the time of sale till the product is delivered are referred to as order fulfilment.

Receiving, Inventory Storage, Order Processing, Shipping, and Returns Processing are all steps in this procedure.

Consider any fast food restaurant that accepts an order for meals to be delivered to a customer's door. The order fulfilment procedure begins when the fast food restaurant receives a call from a customer who wishes to place an order. The joint then processes the request, which includes preparing the meal items for delivery. It is then packed and placed in a bag before being handed to the recipient.

96. Pageviews

Pageviews, also known as Page Impression, are a type of web analytics. A pageview occurs when a visitor visits a certain page on the website. Website monitoring programmes track this to assist website owners in deciding on a plan to increase web traffic.

This is also useful for publishers who want to know how well their ads are performing and how much money they can expect from them.

97. Payment Gateway

This is a piece of software that supports payment transactions by sending data to acquiring banks and receiving answers from issuing banks such as transaction approval or rejection.

It's a type of merchant service that enables a business to accept credit cards and other electronic payments. By encrypting the data they send to merchants and payment processors, payment gateways aid in the protection of critical information.

An IP payment gateway is a term used to describe payment gateways that are utilised for Internet transactions. PayPal/Braintree, Stripe, and Square are all popular payment gateways.

98. Profit margins

Profit margins are calculated as a proportion of the selling price that has been converted into profit. It is used to assess how well a corporation can manage its expenses. The bigger the profit margin, the better the company's cost control is believed to be.

The following formula can be used to determine profit margin:

(Total Sales - Total Expenses)/Total Sales = Profit Margin

Profit margin is used by investors to compare companies in the same industry or between industries to see which ones are the most profitable.

For example, the graphic below depicts information on the XYZ company.

Profit margins

Using the formula and the information above, we can calculate that Company XYZ’s profit margin was:

Using the formula and the information above, we can calculate that Company XYZ’s profit margin was:

99. Partial Shipment

ld Know

Part Shipment is a type of distribution method in which a shipment is delivered in many consignments.

The customer must give permission for a portion of an order's total quantity to be delivered in this shipment. After then, the partial shipment is deemed acceptable, and the purchaser is given<> several tracking codes.

100. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing

CPC stands for Cost Per Click, whereas PPC is for Pay Per Click. It's a type of advertising in which the advertiser only pays if his ad is clicked and the visitor is successfully directed to his website.

It's an internet advertising technique in which you place bids on certain keywords and pay only when someone clicks on the ad and visits your website.

The best example of Pay-Per-Click advertising is Google's AdWords programme.

101. Payment Service Provider

It's a third-party service that works with Acquiring Banks to provide Merchants with the capacity to accept and process payments, also known as PSP.

It is an online service that accepts electronic payments via credit card, direct debit, bank transfer, and real-time bank transfer based on online banking.

102. Point-of-Sale (POS)

It's also known as a Point of Purchase (POP), and it refers to a location where sales are made. It is the point at which a customer pays a merchant in return for goods or following the completion of a service.

A Point-Of-Sale (POS) terminal is a computerised cash register that can record and track client orders, process credit and debit cards, connect to other networked systems, and manage inventory.

103. Qualified Lead

A prospect is someone who has expressed interest in buying your product and has met a set of lead qualifications to move on in the process of becoming a client.

This is a type of Qualified Lead in a lead tracking system where the visitor has shown interest in the website's content.

The following examples demonstrate a visitor's desire to form a relationship:

1. A web form may have been filled out by a visitor.
2. Web material that has been downloaded
3. Signed up for a newsletter and put products in a virtual shopping basket.
Each of the interactions listed above aids in determining whether or not the visitor is in the purchase cycle.

104. QR Code

A Quick Response Code (QR Code) is a two-dimensional barcode made up of an array of black and white squares that can be scanned by machines. It's often used to bbookmark URLs and give smartphone users instant access to information.

These are more useful than regular barcodes since they can store and digitally transfer data like url links, geo coordinates, text, and more, and they can be scanned easily with modern cell phones.

105. Recurring Transaction

It is a transaction in which the customer has given permission to the merchant to charge for goods/services on a prearranged schedule. You give your card details to the company and authorize them to make series of payments without having to give consent again and again.

Recurring transaction takes effect for goods or services where purchases are repeatedly and regularly made, often on monthly basis. For instance, paying cable bills, cell phone bills, gym membership fees, utility bills and magazine subscriptions.

106. Responsive Design

Responsive Design is a design philosophy that provides a customized viewing experience for different browser platforms.

Web pages which are responsive in nature will detect the visitor’s screen size and orientation and change the layout accordingly. The primary reason to keep your design responsive is to increase the reach of your application to a larger audience using an array of devices.

Example – A responsive website would appear differently on laptops, tablets, or smartphones in order to provide increased usability and complete satisfaction to users.

107. Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI measures the gain or loss generated on an investment relative to the investment’s cost. It is usually expressed as a percentage and is used for personal financial decisions to compare a company’s profitability or to compare the efficiency of different investments.

The Return On Investment formula is:

ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) x 100

ROI is also called as Rate Of Return or Yield. It helps investors to determine how efficiently each dollar invested in a project is at producing a profit.

Example – If the long-term ROI of a company is lower than its cost-of-capital, then the company is better off by liquidating its assets and depositing the proceeds in a bank.

108. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a marketing discipline that focuses on getting traffic from organic search results on search engines. This works at improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine’s unpaid results.

SEO comprises of various technical and creative elements which helps in optimizing search rankings, drive traffic and increase awareness in search engines. These includes different types of searches like image search, local search, video search, academic search etc.

109. SERP – Search engine results page

SERP is a web page that shows listing of results when users search for something online by entering the keywords (specific terms and phrases). The results page is returned by search engine in response to the keyword query which would typically contain 3 types of listings:

Listings that have been indexed by the search engine’s spider
Listings that have been manually added to the search engine’s directory
Listings that are paid to be listed by the search engine like adverts etc
Each listing would have a linked web page title, URL of the linked page, a brief description of the page content and sometimes links to the key components of the website.

110. Service Level Agreement (SLA)

It is a legal contract between a service provider and a client that details the services expected of the provider and the ,performance requirements that must be satisfied.

The nature, quality, and extent of the service, as well as the availability and responsibilities to be delivered, are all agreed upon between the service provider and the service user. It not only lays out expectations, but it also lays out remedies in the event that the provider fails to meet them.

While cloud computing helps organisations to get online or on the cheap, it also raises concerns about privacy, data security, and other issues.

In this scenario, a Servi can help.

111. Shopping Cart

It is often referred to as Cart or Basket where user or customer adds different types of products when they go for shopping. When you go for shopping in a Walmart or Target, the first thing you do is grab a cart. Gradually as you move around, you add items that you want to purchase & keep them in your cart. When you shop online, the experience is the same. All the products that you want to purchase, you keep on adding them to your cart. It’s as simple as that!

112. SKU or Stock Keeping Unit

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit, and it is a unique scannable specific bar code consisting of numbers and/or letters that suppliers and store owners use to identify their items and/or services. It assists merchants in tracking inventory movement automatically, as well as services and warranties.

SKUs can also help online store owners figure out which products need to be reordered and offer sales data.

113. Smarketing

Smarketing is the practise of aligning sales and marketing teams in order to achieve a common integrated strategy to attaining a company goal. This level of integration is achieved through frequent and direct communication between the two teams.

For example, the marketing team may have agreed on a set of SLAs to meet, and the sales team must agree on a strategy to achieve those goals. As a result, Smarketing goals should be set jointly and re-evaluated on a regular basis to identify possibilities for both teams to grow.

114. Social Media

A collection of all online communication channels dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, and other kinds of expression that supports the creation and sharing of information, ideas, and other forms of expression is referred to as social media.

Blogging, discussion forums, and other forms of interactive presentation that allow people to participate over a specific blog post, news piece, or event are examples of social media.

The following are the most regularly used social media icons:

Social Media

115. Social Proof

It is a psychological phenomenon in which people assume that other people's actions and attitudes are appropriate for a specific setting.

Testimonials, reviews, and trust seals are examples of social proof that can be used to raise attention, boost credibility, and increase conversions.

There are several sorts of social proof:

1) Social proof from an expert
2) Social proof from celebrities
3) Social proof from users
4) The wisdom of crowds
5) Friendship wisdom

116. Social Signals

Social signals are communicative cues of social media activity on social media sites, such as shares, votes, pins, or likes, that are taken into account by search engines' ranking algorithms.

On social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Tumblr, social signals give information directly or indirectly through social interactions, emotions, behaviour, and social ties.

Using social share buttons on websites or blogs is a simple approach to incorporate social signals.

Social Signals

117. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a service (SaaS) is a software distribution paradigm that allows users to access software and its functions via the Internet. It is licenced on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted, so companies don't have to worry about installation and maintenance.

Web-based software, on-demand software, and hosted software are all terms used to describe SaaS applications. Along with infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), it is one of the three primary types of cloud computing (Paa).

118. Time Lag

The term "Time Lag" refers to the amount of time that passes between two linked occurrences. It is the number of days between visits until a visitor completes a multi-channel conversion in eCommerce terms.

Within a look back window, it calculates the time between the first interaction and the conversion date (a specified time span prior to conversion).

Consider a look back window of 30 days, and Google Analytics is looking for all of the user's interactions throughout that time. The time lag will be equal to 0 if the result demonstrates that the user interacted with the content 31 days before conversion and returned 31 days later to complete the transaction. This is who I am.

119. Transaction

It is a situation or event in which a customer or user purchases or sells something for money. A Transaction is the final step in the purchasing and selling process. A transaction is what happens when you buy a $1000 laptop and pay for it.

120. Trend

In a short period of time, a trend is a topic that is the subject of numerous postings or users on social media, a website, or any application. It refers to traffic fluctuations caused by a variety of circumstances over a period of time, such as the season, day, or time of day, or the keyword's relevancy.

E-commerce retailers analyse trends to determine which products customers are looking for. Trends can be found on search engines such as Google. Google Trends looks at what people are looking for around the world. For example, if you search for "local delivery," you'll find a graph depicting the pattern of growth in the e-commerce industry in recent days.

There are also tools like SEMrush, Moz, Serpstat, Keyword tool and many others which collect data from search engines like Google and try to gain insight into the data which is required for their customers and website administrators.

121. Turnkey

This is a piece of software or a packaged product that has been created, installed, and is ready to use by the manufacturer.Build-to-orderproducts, on the other hand, are created to the buyer's exact specifications and expectations.

A turnkey project is a qualified product with a ready-to-use backend (the admin site) that allows critical modifications and additions, such as products, photographs, text, categories, and subcategories, to appear on the main site's front end.

This type of solution is most commonly used for training programmes or billing systems, with the goal of avoiding the trouble of setting up your own in-house system.

122. Third Party Payment Processor

For merchant acquiring banks, a third-party payment processor is a corporation that handles payments from multiple channels such as credit or debit cards.

These processors frequently handle payment processing for their merchant clients using their commercial bank accounts.

PayPal is the best illustration of this, as it allows you to accept online payments without having your own merchant account. They allow you to use their merchant account under their terms of service with minimal setup.

123. Top of the Funnel

This is the xPayPal. Any touch-point that initiates a consumer connection with a company is referred to as the top of the funnel.

Content marketing and campaigns that target a large pool of potential clients are examples of marketing approaches used at this stage. This is accomplished through engaging prospects with thought leadership that addresses the buyer's wants and desires. Content that is more consumer centred, visual, and enticing is released on blogs, websites, social media, online ads, and videos, among other places.

Example - The graphic below is an excellent example of a clever content marketing strategy for attracting more prospects into the purchasing process.

Top of the Funnel

124. Unique Users

A unique user in web marketing is a person who has visited a website for a particular amount of time or has received specific material such as adverts, emails, or newsletters. Marketers and website owners track unique users to discover how many individuals view their content over time.

A single visitor is counted as a unique user, regardless of how many times he or she accesses the site. User identity, unique IP addresses, or a cookie attached to the user's browser are used to determine this.

Visitors who are not human, such as spiders, crawlers, and other bots, are identified and filtered out using analytical tools.

125. Upselling

It's a sales tactic that persuades a customer to buy something more expensive or additional when making a purchase. In order to achieve a more successful transaction, this business technique exposes the buyer to various options that he may not have considered.

Upselling refers to selling a product with greater features or specs, an upgrade or more expensive version of what they're buying, or any add-ons.Buying a burger at a fast-food outlet and being asked if you'd like to add some fries and a drink to your order for a little fee are two common examples of upselling. It also occurs when purchasing electronic devices, when warranties are upsold, and while filling up your gas tank at the petrol station, where you are asked to purchase a vehicle wash.

126. User Experience (UX)

This relates to a visitor's overall impression of a product, system, or service, particularly in terms of how simple or enjoyable it is to use.

It emphasises the valuable components of human–computer interaction (HCI) and product ownership from a user's perspective. True user experience entails delivering clients not only what they desire, but also much more.

A high-quality user experience can be created by combining the services of many disciplines, such as engineering, marketing, and graphics and interface design, in a seamless manner.

The graphic below illustrates how a good user experience is created:

User Experience (UX)

If you get answers to all the below questions then it means you have succeeded in achieving your goal of ultimate user experience.

1.Useful – Is this useful?
2.Findable – Can you locate it easily?
3.Usable – Is your purpose served?
4.Desirable – Do you wish to use it?
5.Valuable – Is it valuable?
6.Credible – Is it trustworthy?
7.Accessible – Can you access it easily?

127. User Interface (UI)

Everything in a user interface is designed to make it easier for people to interact with an application or a website. A graphical user interface (GUI) is another term for this (GUI)

A good user interface provides a 'user-friendly' experience by allowing users to interact with software or hardware in a natural and straightforward manner. A sophisticated programme with a clumsily designed user interface is worthless.

The way commands are provided to the computer and information is shown on the screen is determined by the user interface.

Apart from the GUI, where users give commands by selecting and clicking on icons displayed on the screen, there are two other types of user interfaces.

128. Viral Content

This is defined as media content such as articles, photographs, or videos that spread quickly online via website links and social media sharing channels. It is a type of online content that encourages users to share it or that receives a large number of views, reads, and clicks.

Jacob Morgan coined the term Biral (yes, that's Biral, not Viral) to describe viral content that is specialised to business fields. This content should be entertaining and include pertinent product and brand information. It should pique clients' interest in order to encourage them to spread the news about the organisation or business.

129. Web Analytics

Web analytics is a collection of strategic approaches for analysing a website's influence on its visitors. It is a tool used by web business owners and market analysts to evaluate and improve the efficacy of a website, as well as gauge traffic and popularity trends.

Web analytics software is used to track information such as the number of visits, unique visitors, entry points, keywords used, time spent online, what they searched for, and when and why they left the site.

It's also known as Digital Analytics, and it's an important part of digital marketing and website optimization.

130. XML Sitemap

A sitemap is a hierarchical model of a website's content pages that is textually conveyed. The list includes links to the website's corresponding sections and is structured by topic in an XML format, hence the term XML Sitemap.

The XML document instructs search engine crawl bots on how to find and show content/information that users have requested.

For instance, layout maps in large retail malls serve the same purpose as a website's sitemap.Smaller websites, on the other hand, are usually uncomplicated, and a sitemap isn't required, just as you wouldn't need a layout map for smaller retail malls where finding our way is simple.