Improve Your Website's Loading Speed: 5 Common Reasons and How to Fix Them

Improve Your Website's Loading Speed: 5 Common Reasons and How to Fix Them

Date & Time
May 3, 2023
Reading time
4 mins
Author Icon
Sanmaya Biswal

Did you know that the first five seconds of page-load time have the highest impact on conversion rates?

And slow loading websites are the results of bad conversion rates too, In a 2019 survey by Un bounce, nearly 70% of consumers admitted that page speed impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer.

Furthermore, of all the people surveyed, half said they’d be willing to give up animation and video for faster load times.Now all of these shows how essential it is to load a website especially when you are spending a high budget in getting your customers to your website to buy your products.

So based on our research and analysis we have compiled a list of 5 essential reasons why your website is loading slower than normal eCommerce websites.

1. Large image files

You can’t imagine an eCommerce brand without High definition images and videos often this is the factor that builds the buying decision for the customer as your customers can’t see, feel or touch your products.

So high quality images and videos are the only way they could experience the product before getting it delivered to them and make a decision to either buy or not.

But the only problem is high quality images take a hell lot of time to load because of their heavy size which creates the issues of slow loading product page speed.But how to solve these issues?It’s quite simple.

The only reason why High quality images takes time to load is because of their huge size so if you could reduce or compress their size that could help you to solve this problem.

You can use a free tool by Typof that lets you compress and reduce your high definition images size without compromising much on the quality, richness and clarity of the image.

Here’s a step by step guide to do it.

You will land into a page like this

  • Add your image which you want to compress
  • Select the output
  • And download the new version

It’s as easy as eating chocolates.

2. Poor web hosting

The quality of the web hosting service can have a significant impact on website performance. If the hosting service is slow or overloaded, it can lead to slow website loading times.

Quite often when you are about to build your own eCommerce website we tend to gio for cheaper options just to save some cople of bucks and reduce our overall cost that would go in building our website.

But that thing ads up, a slow loading server often causes more damage than doing good. Do reduce this either you can go for a dedicated server or go for a premium hosting plan.

Platforms like Typof,Shopify , Wix provide you with a hosting for your eCommerce store.

3. Excessive plugins and scripts

You might have heard a lot of people saying that if you need to add reviews on your online store youneed a ‘X’ plugin.

We all have been flooded by plugins on our eCommerce store, plugins are nothing just a simple add on code snippet that lets you access special features for your online store.

Plugins are quite beneficial:

  • They allow us to add additional functionality to our generic designed storefront.
  • They are code free i.e you don’t need to know how to write code to add them.
  • They are cost effective than custom designed solution

Plugins have more such benefits but the only big set hack they have which heavily impacts business is their impact on loading time of your eCommerce website.

Just like in school days we had just one bag but carried multiple books which made the whole bag heavy plugins behave the same way , no doubt that these are really helpful but due to their nature and extra layer of code they tend to become heavier

How can you solve these issues ?

  • Try to reduce unused plugins
  • Reduce your dependency on plugins for very basic features that might not be very impactful
  • Cleanup the cache code of plugins on your store theme

Btw if you switch to Typof you can reduce this problem to much deeper level as Typof doesn't rely on plugins rather all the additional features are part of Typof that helps you do the same actions and get the same results with added page boost advantage.

Excessive plugins and scripts
Typof you can reduce this problem to much deeper level

4. Large page size

Page size is often one of the most problematic areas when it comes to factors that are responsible for slow loading of the website.

Large page speed affects the FCP - First content ful display and LCP - Largest conteful display metric that are really important.This infuses problems like high responsive time and slower loading speed,

You can solve this issue with :

Consolidated product content placement :

You can reduce the unnecessary content blocks on your website, to do this strategically make sure you already have a heat mapping tool installed in your website with optimum previous results.

Check the scroll depth analysis report and see the area with maz drop off and strike off the content block.

Try to arrange all the value block information in the remaining area of the page in a consolidated way .

Lazy loading of the page:

Lazy loading a web page reduces page weight, allowing for a quicker page load time.

5. Geographic location

The location of the website's server can also impact website speed. If the server is located faraway from the website's users, it can lead to slow loading times, especially for international users.

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help address this issue by caching website content in multiple locations worldwide.

CDNs decrease total data transfers between the CDN's cache servers and the client to speed up page loads.

When the total amount of data transferred decreases, both the latency and the necessary bandwidth do as well. Faster website loading and cheaper bandwidth costs are the end results.


So these are some reasons why your page loading speed is taking longer than ever to laid which is then causing issues like high bounce rate and lower conversion rates.

Do comment below “SPEED” and we will reach out to help you to sort out your page speed issues for your eCommerce website for free.


Why is website loading speed important?

Website loading speed is important for several reasons. First, users tend to have shorter attention spans and are more likely to leave a website if it takes too long to load. Second, slow loading speed can negatively impact your website's search engine ranking, making it less likely for people to find your site. Finally, faster loading speed can improve user experience and lead to higher conversion rates.

What are some common reasons for slow website loading speed?

There are several common reasons for slow website loading speed, including large image and video files, too many HTTP requests, slow server response time, too many plugins or scripts, and poorly optimized code.

How can I reduce the size of image and video files on my website?

You can reduce the size of image and video files on your website by compressing them using tools like Adobe Photoshop or TinyPNG. You can also use lazy loading techniques to defer loading of images and videos until they are needed.

What are HTTP requests, and how can I reduce the number of them on my website?

HTTP requests are requests made by a browser to a server in order to load a webpage. You can reduce the number of HTTP requests on your website by minimizing the number of images, scripts, and stylesheets used, combining multiple files into one, and using caching to reduce the need for repeated requests.

What can I do to improve my server response time?

To improve your server response time, you can optimize your database queries, upgrade to a faster hosting plan, use a content delivery network (CDN), and reduce the number of requests made to your server.

How can I optimize the code on my website?

You can optimize the code on your website by minifying and compressing your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, removing unnecessary whitespace and comments, and reducing the size of your code by eliminating redundant or duplicate code. You can also use browser caching to improve page load times for returning visitors.

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