In their hiding in plain sight, the Facebook Pixel monitors what we do online. Whether we are reading about some political agendas or adding items in the cart, it memorizes for future reference. This blog will most probably help you comprehend what is there about Facebook Pixel, how to install a Pixel, and the many ways to use a pixel to progress your Return On Investment of your ads.
What Is The Facebook Pixel?
The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code one can install on their website. This helps in measuring the effectiveness of their Facebook Ad Campaigns by monitoring the actions and steps people take on the site.
You can use the Facebook Pixel code to track the actions taken on:
- Pageviews
- Time On Page
- Scroll Depth
- Add Tto cart
- Purchase
- And More
Additionally, it can be used to create retargeting campaigns and remarket to people who have taken any desired action or visited a specific page on your website.
In brief, Facebook Pixel:
- Stays in your website
- Tracks the visitors as they establish a communication with the webpages.
- Gives the ability to build custom audience for retargeting.
- And enables you to track the ROI of your Facebook and Instagram campaigns.
How Does the Facebook Pixel Work?
For some time, we are going into some technical matters. It won’t be that mind-bending but it will be to some extent.
- Add the pixel- The process begins after you add a snippet of the tracking code to your website.
- Gathere Insights – Your Facebook Pixel gathers insights about visitors, such as where they come from, what they device they are using and other relevant information.
- Analyse Behaviours - Learn how to interact with the website, whether they add a product in their cart or check out a specific product page.
- Create Audiences - Use the data gathered from Pixel events to build a lookalike audience, custom audiences, and more.
Assess events - Evaluate conversion events to come up with the best Facebook ad campaigns for your website.
How to Install Facebook Pixel?
Now that you have successfully known the functions of the Facebook pixel, it's time to install it on your website. One can do that by following some easy steps:
- Create a Facebook Pixel - First you will need to create your pixel. Head over to the Facebook Events Manager, then click on Connect a Data Source > Web. Now select Facebook Pixel and click Connect to continue. Then add the pixel details.
- Add the Facebook Pixel to Your Website. There are three ways to fit in the Facebook Pixel:
- Manual Installation
- Using an Integration or tag manager
- Emailing instructions to a developer
   Let’s look at each option in more aspects.
- Add the Facebook Pixel to Your Website manually - The Facebook pixel works best when it is displayed ion almost every page of a website. However, one doesn’t need to put it on every page; just put the pixel code in the global header , i.e., <head> </head> of your website. Paste the FB Pixel code in the middle of the header code , before </head> and after <head>, and click Save Changes.
- Ask a developer to add the Facebook Pixel code to your website – If a web developer maintains our website, you can also mail them instructions and code to add the Facebook Pixel. Select Email Instructions to a developer, and put in their email addresses. After the code is added, use the Facebook Pixel Helper to see if it’s working correctly. Facebook Pixel Helper also informs you about errors - enabling you to redo the installation steps to ensure that it is working correctly.
How Do You Mark People With the Facebook Pixel?
If we are being technical about it, actually the code doesn’t do any targeting. Instead, it is the substance for targeting.
It’s up to you to instruct Facebook on how to target.
Inside of your Facebook Business Manager, you can generate “Custom Audiences” with rules ranging from elementary to super compound.
Facebook Pixel’s Additional Targeting Options
Lookalike Audiences
One of the nice things about Facebook advertising is “Lookalike Audiences”. You can design Lookalike audiences to reflect the character of your best customers.
The code will know about who did what on your website, and the Facebook platform can use that data to recognize the people who share the alike traits as your visitors.
Standard and Custom Events
One can also use it to create what are called “custom events,” which are the more evolved relative of “standard events.” The standard events are the actions that the Facebook Pixel tracks automatically, like “add to cart” and “purchase. This could be all sorts of different stuff – scroll depth, button clicks, and video tracking also.
Custom Conversions
Another fascinating thing about the Facebook Pixel is the ability to create Custom Conversions. For example, one can use and encourage by saying “thank you for subscribing, here’s your 20% discount coupon.” And because the tracking pixel is already running on your website, it can track when and where someone arrives on a completion page.
One can also select a conversion category and enter a monetary value for the custom conversion. For an instance, if you create one that tracks people to a product confirmation page, you can include the cost of the product.
The real take in this matter is that whether you’re using out of the box events or customising more advanced events, the custom audiences you create are pinned by Facebook Pixel data.
Technical Details
You can always dig around with Google Chrome’s “Developer Tools” which is a standard form in the Chrome Browser. That’s the tool we used earlier to look at all of the code firings during our shopping trips at any leading brand.
Keep not: You can run retargeting campaigns without knowing about this stuff. a heads up that there are some tools existing if you want to dig around.
Facebook gives you several opportunities to engage and convert visiting customers into permanent ones. The data presented by the Facebook Pixel helps you to retarget your ads to potential customers in the future.
The analytics tool also provides you with insights into your audience, delivers ads to audiences who had shown interest in your business, and enhances the overall efficiency of your ad campaigns.
In Typof, nothing do technical, you just put your pixel code, and everything will be taken care of by Typof.