9 Effective Strategies to Reduce Cart Abandonment and Win Back Customers for Ecommerce Websites

9 Effective Strategies to Reduce Cart Abandonment and Win Back Customers for Ecommerce Websites

Date & Time
July 3, 2023
Reading time
5 mins
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Lopamudra Barik

Although I have never met you in person and have never visited your online store, I can assure you that you are losing money. Numerous customers who visit your online store every day leave their carts empty without making a purchase.


Are you curious about the number of persons leaving? Based on information gathered from 33 separate research on shopping cart abandonment, the average abandonment percentage is 68%.

That indicates that 68customers leave your shop out of every 100 who enter.

Why Shoppers are Abandoning Carts ?

Despite the fact that each audience segment is unique, many consumers share some common purchasing tendencies and charitable giving preferences. They also have issues with some types of buying obstacles in common and are frustrated by them.

Statista figures indicate that:

  • Unexpected expenditures (56% of consumers abandoned purchases owing to higher shipping or tax prices)
  • 37% of peopleware only browsing and didn't make any purchases.
  • 36% of those that price-compare discovered a lower cost.
  • Because the navigation was too difficult, 25% of users left.
  • 21% said it took too long.
  • 17% expressed security concerns.

And these are just a few of the many factors that could be driving away your customers. Here are 10 tried-and-true strategies to lower cart abandonment and re-engage those customers.


1. Improve the buying process's credibility

When making an online purchase, a customer places a lot of trust in the e-retailer. Consumers demand more assurance that their personal and financial information is secure as they prepare to provide it after more than 31.8 million people reported credit card security breaches in 2014.


According to one survey, 61% of consumers abandoned their shopping carts when trust logos were absent. Showing your customer that their information is secure is the simplest method to increase their trust in the purchasing process:

  • Possess an active SSL certificate. Your customers will notice a warning message in their browser informing them that the connection might not be secure if it is outdated or improperly installed.
  • Display trust marks such as well-known security logos (Verisign, PayPal Verified) on your website.

2. Lower Price Shock

Unexpected prices are among the main causes of cart abandonment. This usually has to do with shipping charges that appear only after you complete the checkout process.


Make sure your shipping prices are clear to the buyer as they browse your products to prevent sticker shock and cart abandonment because of price concerns. To estimate delivery costs and reduce unpleasant surprises, I advise including a shipping calculator prior to checkout.

An further common strategy is to lower shipping costs by providing free or reduced freight based on the order value.

3. Make use of cart abandonment emails

There's a strong likelihood you've obtained their email address if they leave their cart at the checkout. Create a series of autoresponder emails to remind them that they have things in their cart. Send 1 or 2 more emails in response over the course of the following day.


Show them the things they put in their shopping basket and encourage them to come back to your website to finish the transaction. If they don't, you can offer a discount in a subsequent email in the series to encourage a sale.

4. Offer an option for guests to check out

Don't compel users to register for an account. This gives the impression that the purchasing procedure is longer. Offer a guest checkout option as an alternative. For shipment, all of the data required to establish an account will be gathered. You can then offer to save their details for orders in the future.

5. Individual Outreach

When attempting to recover abandoned carts, don't rely only on autoresponders. Ask the person directly whether there is anything you can do to help as soon as you become aware of an abandoned cart. You might learn that they were having trouble using a coupon code, having trouble getting a card authorized, or having some other issue.


If you can resolve their issue on your own, they might come back to finish the task and will be grateful that you took the time to assist them

6. Find Funnel Leaks

Your Google Analytics provides excellent insight into the visitor behaviour. Examine the visitor flow and conversion pathways in Google Analytics rather than making assumptions about what is incorrect or attempting to test different conversion difficulties.


This will highlight any product page bottlenecks and the places where visitors are leaving your site before checking out. From there, you can focus on those pages to determine what changes are required to enhance the user experience.

7. Employ remarketing

Even while some abandonment cannot be avoided, Facebook remarketing can help you recapture those customers. A Facebook tracking pixel installed on your website can record user behaviour, retain information, and associate the user with a cookie.


Then you may develop a Facebook ad campaign that is directed at certain audiences, like people who have visited your website but have not yet made a purchase. To attempt and win them back, show those customers dynamic adverts depending on the products they looked at.

8. Make Navigation Easier

A person is more likely to abandon your website before making a purchase the more clicks you make them go through. The 25% of users who abandon carts due to overly complicated navigation are proof of this.


Get the amount of clicks needed to complete the transaction as close to three as you can to retain more of those customers:

  • Select a product. 
  • Place in cart
  • Press the "Checkout" button.

Maintain clear and straightforward navigation on your website by displaying categories that are simple to identify and organizing the products in a way that makes choosing simple: rapid preview and "Add to Cart" rather than requiring users to explore long product pages.

9.  Add Social Evidence

The last thing that potential customers want to be concerned about while making a purchase is buyer's remorse. They don't want to regret their financial decisions. The use of social proof, which shows how your items have benefited others, allies this worry.


There are several ways to incorporate social proof into your website:

  • Follow up with clients and request product reviews from them.
  • Include customer testimonials and product reviews on your website's landing pages.
  • To display customers who else is buying your products, integrate applications like Notify into your business.


What is cart abandonment in ecommerce?

Cart abandonment refers to the situation when a customer adds items to their online shopping cart but leaves the website without completing the purchase.

Why do customers abandon their shopping carts?

There are various reasons for cart abandonment, including unexpected shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, lack of trust, distractions, high product prices, and limited payment options.

What are the consequences of cart abandonment for ecommerce websites?

Cart abandonment can result in lost sales and revenue for ecommerce websites. It also indicates potential issues with the website's user experience, pricing, or other factors that may deter customers from completing their purchases.

What are the nine strategies to reduce cart abandonment?

The nine effective strategies to reduce cart abandonment are: Simplify the checkout process Optimize website speed and performance Offer guest checkout option Display trust signals and security badges Provide clear shipping information and options Implement remarketing and abandoned cart emails Offer incentives and discounts Enhance mobile shopping experience Continuously analyze and improve your website's performance

How can simplifying the checkout process reduce cart abandonment?

Simplifying the checkout process involves minimizing the number of steps, reducing form fields, and offering convenient payment options. This streamlines the process and reduces friction, making it easier for customers to complete their purchases.

Why is optimizing the mobile shopping experience important in reducing cart abandonment?

With the increasing use of smartphones for online shopping, optimizing the mobile shopping experience is crucial. Mobile-friendly websites with responsive design, fast loading times, and simplified navigation make it easier for customers to shop on mobile devices, reducing cart abandonment rates.

How can continuous analysis and improvement help reduce cart abandonment?

Regularly analyzing website analytics, user behavior, and conversion rates can provide insights into areas that need improvement. By identifying and addressing issues promptly, ecommerce websites can optimize their processes and user experience, effectively reducing cart abandonment rates.



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