9 Easy Steps to Sell Furniture Online (2024)| The Ultimate Guide

9 Easy Steps to Sell Furniture Online (2024)| The Ultimate Guide

Date & Time
March 7, 2023
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Lopamudra Barik

Want to sell furniture online? If yes, then this articles for YOU!!

By 2025, the worldwide furniture market is expected to be valued USDUSD 718.3 billion, according to Statistic. Furthermore, by 2030,approximately USD 780.8 billion the global market reach is expected.Thisproves that the furniture sector is growing , and it makes sense since eCommerce is a major driver of this development.

Also, compared to creating physical store, starting an online furniture business is quicker and less expensive. It is anticipated that more people would favour acquiring furniture online and doing it from the comfort of their homes now that the pandemic's effects have changed consumer behaviour.

At an offline furniture business, you'll need a substantial amount of room to display products to customers. But, since there is no problem with limited capacity, you may add a lot more to your website or app. The US is the largest furniture market in the world, with an anticipated $116 billion in revenue in 2018, and getting started in this business is surprisingly easy!

It is not a difficult process to sell furniture online; you just need to know what to do. See the seven straightforward steps for selling furniture online as we get going.

Where and How to Sell Furniture Online in 2024

1. Choose a specialisation

Keep in mind that there are numerous well-known companies competing in the furniture market, so you'll need to identify a niche and position yourself as the top option for a specific customer. For instance, some furniture retailers flavor creating and selling handcrafted, one-of-a-kind products built especially for the requirements of-their customers.

Choose a specialisation
Choose a specialisation

Some folks might make all of their furniture out of repurposed wood and Eco-friendly materials.Considerations like these will affect your choice of a niche:

Use:Interior furnishings, office furniture, outdoor furniture, and home accents

Product: Items include bed frames, sofa beds, seats, tables, and loungers.

Customers: include families, rent-paying households, owners of condominiums, and students.

Cause: Locally produced goods, sustainable furnishings, and ethical sourcing.

That becomes less of a concern for you as there is less competition. But, try to avoid narrowing your market so much that you only draw in a few customers.You can also offer your clients the chance to rent furniture, which is preferred by urban millennial. You can also sell used furniture online because there is a huge demand for it. 

When selling furniture online with a mobile app or website, it's a good idea to stop, think, and investigate the rivals. You might wish to ask these questions:

  • Who are the current companies on the market who offer furniture online?
  • Who is theirintended market?
  • What is their current market share

The answers to these questions will assist provide a realistic picture of the competition while deciding on the best niche or sub-niche to start selling furniture online.Also, it will help you create your company's unique selling proposition (USP)in comparison to your mass-market competitors.

2. Choose a business strategy

There are many ways to break into the furniture business. Some of the popular business models you can use to sell furniture online include the ones listed below:

Choose a business strategy
Business strategy


It involves creating furniture in your own workshop or retail location. To operate as a furniture maker, it would be ideal if you had a dedicated workspace, specialised tools,and technical know-how. You can choose to produce and sell a popular design by-keeping stock on hand, or you can chose to offer individualised services and allow clients choose certain types and features.


Under this strategy,rather of creating the furniture products yourself, you create the designs for use by another manufacturer. To produce furniture layouts, you'll need certain set of drafting skills and tools.


With this business strategy, you can advertise a range of furniture items produced by multiple businesses or brands. Some curators specialise on specific furniture categories, such as pieces from a particular design era or produced by a particular manufacturer.

Curators must be experts at locating expensive furniture items that they can sell for a profit.It is necessary to photograph, securely store, and transport the things to buyers. With this type,selling old items is a terrific career opportunity. Here, you mostly focus on antique furniture pieces.

4. Drop shipping

You don't have to store or move the furniture items you decide to sell online with this model. You can work with creators and brands that are willing to ship directly to your customers to eliminate the hassle of maintaining your own inventory, packaging,and shipping. This strategy is perfect if you are just starting your business.

3. Set up a place for the inventory

It's critical to find qualified manufacturer to handle it for you if you decide to start reselling furniture rather than producing your own line of goods. You should make sure that the manufacturer you select:

  • extensive understanding of the market and the wide range of product categories
  • can make it easier for you to maintain constant contact with the cycles of manufacturing and supply chain
  • has the ability to deliver products on time

To identify manufacturer sand suppliers who can provide you with high-quality furnishings for this, you must conduct a market analysis. You can also look in the places listed below as you look for inventory to purchase:

Auctions: At local auctions, antique and collectable furniture is usually on sale. To learn about local auctions, sign up for social media sites in your area. You can also do research on online auction sites like eBay that let you browse and put bids whenever it's convenient for you.

Swap meets: Sometimes dealers in furniture can find hidden jewels at flea markets. The earlier you arrive at the sale, the greater your chance of scoring a great price.

Collectors:Private collectors may be open to selling their items. But, you might need to invest a little extra. When you start to build a name for yourself as a furniture dealer, you will inevitably run with furniture collectors.

Retail markets:On sites like Handshake, you might locate some fantastic furniture pieces. Ont his website, US retailers provide innovative, chic furniture at discounted prices. The best aspect is that their products don't have a high minimum purchase requirement.

There are many reputable wholesalers and drop shippers out there, but there are also a number of scammers who pose as reputable companies. Make sure to thoroughly investigate possible partners and pick ones with reputable reviews, reasonable costs, and high-quality goods.

4. Your furniture's price

Whether making or purchasing new or used furniture to sell online, you must take the storage space required into account. Remember to take the weather in your area into account when deciding how and where to store your furniture. 

For instance, harsh weather, insects, and variations in humidity can damage furniture materials,particularly wood and organic textiles. You can designate a room in your home to keep furniture if you're just starting off. If you plan to sell a lot of furniture items, you have the choice of renting a climate-controlled storage space.

Your furniture price
Furniture price

5. Where should I sell my furniture online?

The question of"where to sell furniture online" could seem overwhelming given the range of options. What you want to sell in terms of furnishings and how regularly will determine the most efficient platform.

If you just need to get rid of one or two unwanted items, online markets are a great alternative. Yet,if you want to sell furniture as a hobby or a side company, an eCommerce stories your best bet. Online marketplaces,eCommerce stores, and social media are the three best ways to sell furniture online. In this section, we'll examine each so you can choose which is best for your requirements:

where should furniture sell
Social network

1.Online social networking

It has become usual to think of doing business on well-known social media sites like Instagram,P interest, or Facebook. These platforms give you all the resources you need to conduct business without a hitch and connect with the ideal customer at the optimal time. 

Moreover, social media networks offer a low-cost access point. Social media allows you to communicate with a variety of people. Even better, you can use the adverts these platforms provide to develop a campaign that primarily targets a group of people who are already considering purchasing your goods.

Additionally, selling on social media gives you the chance to market your furniture on a channel that your target audience is already familiar with and at ease using.

2. Internet markets

Well-known eCommerce sites, such as online marketplaces, let you sign up and post any item for sale,even furniture. 

The best places to sell a few pieces of old furniture are online markets. They don't require any setup;all you need to do to start selling is register an account and list your products. This enables you to get started selling right away.

Because they already receive a lot of traffic, online markets are advantageous. Yet, due to the abundance of competing dealers, your furniture can swiftly fade into obscurity on marketplaces. Or to put it another way, there is tremendous competition in internet markets.

In addition, rather than charging fixed monthly fees, the majority of online firms charge transaction fees for a certain proportion of each sale you make on the site.Each platform has a unique set of transaction fees, and some add on additional prices.

Because there are no monthly subscription costs, online marketplaces could initially seem tempting.Transaction costs and other expenses, however, can quickly deplete your earnings (or even lower the profit you make on a single used item)!

3. Internet Shop

Just like selling furniture in a real place, owning an online store is similar. To keep an eye on your online store's inventory or accept or reject orders, you will need to hire workers.

eCommerce store builders like typof are a great choice for anyone who would rather sell on their own terms, unhindered by the competition of online marketplaces. Typof  gives you the ability to create a unique home for your products so that you don't blend in with the millions of other merchants out there.

Your own identity will be reflected in every element, from product listings to checkout pages.With typof opening an online furniture store is a quick process. Given that the majority of customer snow make purchases using smartphones, it is a simple and mobile-friendly software solution.

6. Make a furniture list

Due to the fact that customers cannot physically visit your store and examine the furnishings, what you emphasise on your online store is essential. While considering whether or not to purchase furniture, customers are heavily impacted by the appearance of your store.

If you want to sell your furniture quickly, it should look nice. To get the best shot for your furniture ad, arrange the furniture in a room of your house to showcase its possibilities. 

Also, it helps the buyer see how the furniture might fit in their home (mainly how much space it takes up). Also, take images from various angles while using good lighting. Under superb lighting, the complete item is simpler to see and seems better online.Your furniture could appear dirty and nasty in photos taken in poor light. This is true from a variety of perspectives.


Furniture must be shipped with the utmost discretion and care, regardless of size. Consumers frequently demand their goods to arrive earlier than anticipated and in perfect shape,which can make the difficulties of shipping and delivery even more complicated and difficult.

The accompanying logistical expenses increase as a result of some furniture styles taking up a lot of space on a truck. You should therefore be cautious when selecting your delivery partners or businesses.


8. Promote your company

Once you've finished the preceding steps, you can sell furniture online. To sell your furniture, you would, however, need to draw attention to it. Making sure you're employing popular and pertinent keywords and that you're providing your consumers with what they requested can help you get started in the industry.

Better rankings result from more ratings, which boost sales. The following strategies can be used to promote and sell furniture online if you run your own eCommerce.

Promote your company

Social media :Using social media marketing is a great method to interact with,inform, and direct potential clients to your online store. A wide audience can be reached on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, and others.

Choose the one which best appeals to your target market, and then consistently publish on the platform to promote your brand.

SEO: Another important marketing tactic is to improve your SEO ranking. For your business to succeed, you must improve your position for your goal keywords in the search results. If your store shows in the top 5 search results, your chances of attracting customers will increase significantly. Strong SEO is necessary to achieve this.

Make sure you follow all Google's SEO recommendations, which include employing keywords in the page's title, heading, meta description, URL, and alt image tag. Also, focus on creating high-quality back links for your store, which entails obtaining links from other websites endorsing you.

Email marketing:A great way to keep your business at the forefront of your clients'minds is through email marketing. Make a mailing list of email recipients and use it to regularly update them with information on everything from trivia competitions to exclusive deals.

This helps create a strong brand image and foster relationships with customers. You can also regularly send email newsletters to clients to inform them of future sales, new product releases, and other information.

Influence marketing: Influence marketing is pushing your business to audiences that are relevant to you and the influences. Influence marketing may be used as a standalone tactic or as a technique to strengthen already-running marketing efforts. Influences can come forma wide range of places.

Every individual, group, organisation, location, or thing that has the power to affect others can also act as an influences. The influences have a devoted fan following of followers who may be persuaded to purchase your furniture items by the influence's' compelling messages.

Top Advice From Experts For Furniture Reselling

1. Provide Discounts

During shopping, many people use coupons. Discounts increase the amount of people who visit your online business, which increases the number of potential buyers for other things you sell.Keep an eye on seasonal marketing trends and offer customers bargains and discount codes to boost your furniture sales.

provide discount
Provide discount

2. Provide Dependable Client Service

Constantly solicit suggestions or criticism from your clients. Provide free furniture assembly and customer service after the sale to assist customers with any issues they might be having with the merchandise.Provide clients with the ability to contact you via email, phone, or direct message on social networking sites.

This prevents unfavourable remarks from showing up on your website or social media profiles!

3. Publish client feedbacks

The main drawback for customers when purchasing furniture online is the inability to examine the quality of the item.Requesting positive social media reviews from your delighted customers might help you improve your marketing efforts and online store.

4. Maintain an updated inventory

Updating your inventory is the most crucial component of selling furniture online. Due to a lack of routine monitoring and updating of their product catalogue in response to demand and customer feedback, many eCommerce firms fail. Ensure that you regularly update your product list to reflect customer demand.Another component is including items that are not yet well-known but are steadily acquiring recognition.

Update your inventory with these items as well. You can add similar products to your product list and see whether clients are interested in buying them if you find any that compliment the popular ones.

5. Keep your up-to-date on popular items

Ensure that you have enough of your best-selling items on hand at all times. Continue experimenting by producing fresh iterations of well-liked products while holding onto the ones that are already profitable. This will make it easier to assess whether or not users like them.Consider bringing a different type of furniture to a market where you already have customers to see what happens and whether there is possibility for growth.


As consumers resume their spending binges, new industry indicators suggest that eCommerce will lead the way in terms of order volume and revenues going forward. This comprehensive tutorial has made it very evident that understanding your clients' wants is prerequisite for selling furniture online.

It's essential to keep learning as you go. When you first begin, you won't be perfect, but if you're prepared to change and keep an open mind, you're already halfway to success.You know how to start your own online furniture store now that we've covered the nine steps to selling furniture online. We trust you comprehended the guidelines for selling furniture online and are now ready to launch or grow your eCommerce company.

Your clients are anticipating you even though they might not be aware of it. Thus, don't wait;get started on developing your furniture business right away, and you'll be selling tons of furniture in no time.


Is internet furniture sales a smart idea?

Given the increasing trajectory of eCommerce in the ensuing years, starting an online furniture business is a wise decision. If done properly, selling furniture online may be a lucrative business venture. With typof, you can quickly and easily launch your furniture business online.

Do I have any limitations on the furniture I can sell on my online store?

No! Your own eCommerce store has no limitations, in contrast to marketplaces like Etsy, which has a few. On Etsy, for instance, you can only offer handmade, vintage, or craft items; however, if you use a specialized eCommerce platform like typof , you may open an online store where you can sell both modern and vintage furniture as well as home decor items.

How can I sell furniture online without risk?

By choosing the best platform for your company website, publishing accurate product photos and descriptions, and including a trusted payment method, you can ensure a safe and secure client experience. Typof has all the eCommerce tools you'll need to successfully operate an online furniture business.

Can I make money selling furniture online?

Yes, of course! Online furniture sales can be quite profitable. Invest in an eCommerce platform that is affordable, doesn't charge exorbitant transaction fees, and doesn't have key eCommerce features locked behind paywalls if you want to maximize your revenues. Due to this, we advise you to test typof when launching your furniture online.

What is the most effective method for selling furniture online?

The ideal approach to sell furniture online is to do it through your own eCommerce site, invest in marketing initiatives, and establish a strong social media presence to draw more customers to your shop.

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