Whether you're a well-established firm or a brand-new start up, your business card may make or break you.
Your business cards are an opportunity to not only hand out your contact information and spread the word about your company, but also to provide your clients with a tangible representation of how distinctive and amazing your brand is!
Let's have a look at these business card designs from graphic designers who combined usefulness with stunning style. Hopefully, you'll find an example to help you with your future card design!
Elements of an Effective Business Card
A striking business card should include the following elements:
- A logo: Your brand logo communicates your company's brand personality or brand identity, as well as the service you provide. Having a high-quality logo design that is readily visible on your business card will assist enhance brand awareness and help people remember your firm.
- Name and contact details: A business card's principal purpose is to present someone with your contact information in a compact package that serves as a physical reminder of yourself. Include your company name and position, phone numbers, business address, email, website address, and current social media account information.
- Design and style are memorable: Traditional business cards are normally black and white with a minimalist aesthetic, however current cards use more innovative techniques to capture the attention of the recipient. Consider inserting a scannable QR code that leads to your website, using recycled materials instead of cardboard, or experimenting with a vertical business card design.
How to create a Business Card
It may be tempting to simply scribble your name, phone number, and email address on a card and call it a day. Taking the effort to design an appealing business card, on the other hand, can assist market your small business and may enhance sales. Here are some suggestions for designing your card.
1.Choose your design
Vertical business cards, cards of various physical forms and sizes, and cards with images or logos can catch the eye and improve the likelihood that a potential customer will remember you.
2.Choose a font and a colour scheme
Your business card's font and colour scheme should be consistent with your other marketing materials, packaging, or website. To attract attention, consider employing stronger colours in your brand's colour pallet.
3. Select creative design elements
Embossed or raised wording, pictures, graphics, one-of-a-kind designs, and even diverse backing materials such as wood or recycled cloth can help make an impression on a potential consumer or business partner.
Consider inventive methods to tie back to your primary business without overwhelming your card with content (remember the importance of basic design principles like negative space).
4. Print your card using tools
E-commerce platforms such as Typof provide free bespoke business cord makers, as well as apps that provide business card designs tailored to a range of industries. Typof also provides a list of the greatest paid and free business card producers on the market if you're seeking for a qualified graphic designer.
8 Different types of business cards
1. A non-rectangular form
Business cards come in a variety of designs and sizes to reflect the many types of businesses. An investor's business card with diagonal lines cut-out to represent the rising line of a stock price that increases in value is one example of this.
2. Vertical layout
Vertically oriented business cards are a good method to incorporate photos or graphics that are more suited to that shape, such as portraits if you're a portrait artist or a graphic of a tall building if you're an architect.
3. Various backing materials
Your business card backing material might be made of plastic, metal, wood, cork, recycled composite, or even cloth. However, alternative materials typically cost more to create in quantity than standard card stock.
4. Graphics
A card for a wine distributor might have a graphic of a wine glass stain on it, whereas a card for a framer might have a graphic of a picture frame on it.
5. Individual lettering
Embossed, raised, or otherwise distinctive font is another effective technique to make the words on your card stand out it really. Perforated text on an acupuncturist's business card, for example, can evoke the work of acupuncture needles.
6. Vibrant colours
Using a vibrant colour palette on your card will also enhance the likelihood that people will keep it, since research shows that people keep a coloured card 10 times longer than a plain white card.
7. Freebies
Attaching discount codes or little samples might be an excellent strategy to get people interested in your business. A little packet with seeds inside and business information printed on the exterior, for example, could be ideal for a landscaping or plant-related business.
8. Cards in digital format
Attaching discount codes or little samples might be an excellent strategy to get people interested in your business. A little packet with seeds inside and business information printed on the exterior, for example, could be ideal for a landscaping or plant-related business.