Want to know best eCommerce website? if yes then this article for you.
We've evaluated five of the most well-liked website builders and looked at some of their search engine-friendly features to help you choose the best option for you.
The traffic that your website content deserves can only be attracted with the help of search engine optimisation (SEO).
Yet, the resources you employ to create your website might be used against you. For this reason, picking the finest website builder for SEO is crucial.
Thankfully, there are several solutions available, including builders made with search engines in mind. You shouldn't have any trouble putting your SEO goals into action and building a highly ranked website if you pick the proper platform.
What to look for in an SEO-friendly website builder
There are several things to take into account while selecting eCommerce website builder. It should ideally be simple to use and offer features catered to your particular sector.
For example, web designers may require different functionalities thane Commerce store owners.
Yet, it's probable that you'll want people to be able to find your site easily regardless of your niche. It's not overstatement to suggest that SEO is essential to the success of your website. Around 53%[1] of all traffic is generated by organic search.
In fact, moving up only one spot in Google's rankings can boost your CTRs by more than 53%[2]. As a result, you are losing out on traffic if you don't invest in SEO.
You can execute SEO-related actions straight from several website builders' dashboards or page editors.
For instance, the majority will make it simple for you to choose mobile-friendly layouts that are search engine-optimised and adjust
Others make practical recommendations that can be especially helpful if you're new to SEO. You have a good starting point for search engine optimisation with website builders that feature SEO hints and keyword help.
But, if you have experience designing websites, you might prefer a platform that allows for more intricate improvements, such inserting your own custom code.
You will begin a great position to fully utilize your SEO skills if you choose a solution with more features.
Details about the best eCommerce website builder for SEO
1. Typof
Typof is a no-code e-commerce platform that is as user-friendly as Canva.
This platform includes a variety of solutions that are commonly needed by direct-to-consumer brands, making it easy to set up a store with ready-made components and providing a seamless checkout experience.
They aims to help businesses go live within 30 minutes, rather than months, and prioritise building performance-oriented and search-engine-optimized(SEO) e-commerce sites to enhance the user experience.
Why Typof ?
1. Better Performance
2. Auto SEO Optimisation
3. RTO Optimisation
4. 24*7 Support
5. Personalise Feature Customisation(Only in Typof X)
Moreover, we will do the complete design/migration of your website by our experts for Free. No need of hiring other developers to do that.

2. Squarspace
The Square space dashboard gives you more precise control over the SEO of your website. This website builder is better suited to people who are knowledgeable with SEO concepts, even though the program occasionally provides prompts along the way:
Even more sophisticated strategies can be used by introducing your own code. While this gives you access to some sophisticated approaches, it also necessitates a certain level of technical expertise.

- boxes with user-friendly configurations where you can enter all of the essential SEO components, such as meta descriptions and titles
- inclusion of more than 30 social media platforms
- SSL credentials
- Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages are supported (AMP)
- integrated XML sitemaps
Square space might be a useful tool if you're confident using more sophisticated SEO strategies and programming code. Beginners, though, can find it difficult to master some of its more complex aspects.
3. Wix
Even if you're new to the realm of SEO, the Wix website builder makes it simple to optimize your site for search engines. A complete set of tools are offered by this builder and reintegrated right into the Wix dashboard.
These tools may be used to improve every aspect of your on-page SEO, including URL slugs, meta tags, and canonical tags:
Because to its numerous time-saving capabilities, Wix claims to assist you in optimising your SEO with the least amount of effort.
This contains patterned meta tags that you can use on various pages and quick Google crawling.
A limited free plan with Wix branding is offered by Wix. For SEO, you'll need at least the Site Booster app, which is only offered on plans starting at $14 per month (Unlimited). See the complete price list here.
4. Weebly
Weebly makes SEO success easier by incorporating all necessary elements right into the page editor.Setting the meta titles, descriptions, and picture alt text falls under this.
For a better knowledge of the traffic to your site, use web analytics. With this knowledge in hand, you may continuously improve your SEO tactics.
Two of the most well-liked traffic measurement tools are Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Integrating with these crucial solutions on Weebly is as easy as keying in your tracking ID.

5. Wordpress
WordPress.com, one of the most well-known website builders in the world, makes it simple to develop and publish a site with a polished appearance and high functionality. With the Jet pack plugin, you can create your own unique SEO titles, descriptions, categories,and tags as you write your content.
By including illuminating picture alt language, you can further improve your photographs' search marginalization's. WordPress.com automatically generates this crucial security certificate, however some website builders may ask you to supply your own SSL certificate.

The choice of an e-commerce website builder plays a crucial role in building a website that is optimised for search engines.
After careful consideration of various factors, including ease of use, functionality, pricing, and SEO features, we have highlighted the top five choices for the best e-commerce website builder for SEO.
These options inconclusiveness, Typof, Wordpress, Magento, and Wix.
Each of these platforms has its own unique features and advantages, and selecting the best one for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.
By choosing the right e-commerce website builder, businesses can ensure that their website is SEO-friendly and has a better chance of ranking higher in search engine results pages, ultimately leading to increased traffic, conversions, and revenue.